Editorial Commentary- China's economical growth
China is now the fourth largest economy in the world.
China is now the fourth largest economy in the world.
Ever since Deng Xiao Ping (1904-1997) opened China's gates, its economic growth has risen drammatically. Before this, China was closed to the rest of the world, because it was under Communist rule and this was the time of Mau Tse-tung, the famous Communist ruler of China, from 1954 to 1959.
So from 1979, China's economy has risen alot and many people say, that in 2028 China will be a superpower and its language will be as important, if not even more important, than English!!!
Chinese people work really alot and are practically facing their Industrial Revolution.
But unfortunately this industrialising will also leed to massive polluting and other harmful thinges for our planet earth!!
So from 1979, China's economy has risen alot and many people say, that in 2028 China will be a superpower and its language will be as important, if not even more important, than English!!!
Chinese people work really alot and are practically facing their Industrial Revolution.
But unfortunately this industrialising will also leed to massive polluting and other harmful thinges for our planet earth!!
China has mixed economies, such as agriculture, techology....and many many more...
As I already said, Chinese people work day and night. One of the things that proofs this, is that their shops are always opened, no matter what time, what day or what event it is.
I think that the only time when the Chinese people have a break ( and I could be mistaking!!!) is probably Christmas!
In conclusion, by 2025 China will be the world's greatest economy and its language will be teached in all schools.....
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