Arts-Block entry: DRAMA- A Midsummer night's dream By William Shakespeare
Hermia is a young beautiful Athenian lady, who is in love with Lysander, a charming young gentleman. But their love is ruined by Hermia's father Egeus, an old arrogant man, who wants Hermia to marry Demetrius, who actually should marry Helena, daughter of old Nedar.
during a midsummer night's dream, the fairy queen Titania fights with the fairy king Oberon.
To win her love again, Oberon commands the fairy Puck to bring him a flower, that will make Titania newly fall in love with him. Seeing unlucky Helena, who loves Demetrius (who loves and wants to marry Hermia), Oberon tells Puck to put the flower in Demetrius' eyes, but by mistake Puck puts it into Lysander's eyes and he falls in love with Helena.
At a certain point Demetrius and Lysander love Helena and Hermia starts fighting with her, because she "stole" her love. Obioulsy at the ending of the play, Lysander and Hermia are a couple again, so are Oberon and Titania!! Even Demetrius and Helena marry!
They lived happily everafter...